A visit to Nashville in August 2006 resulted in 4 albums of my Classic Country Compositions being physically released over the next 2 years, mainly featuring country music singer Mike Lusk,all wonderfully produced by Stacy Hogan.
End of April 2014, these 4 albums were joined by 5 new major-album productions, featuring Mike Lusk again, with his 18-track Right on The Head album, also joining Amber Rose with their Share His Songs album, also Amber with her 2 solo vocals albums, What Passion's All About (14 tracks) and Magic Place to Be (15 tracks), plus a Matt Griffith debut 15-track album, Doing My Best. Then, end of August 2014, another Mike Lusk album emerged, Paddocks in the Sky.
This is all happening in the context of weekly airplay of my radio-released songs, all written at Venus Bay, Victoria, Australia, continuing to rise to amazing heights, a new high of 172,920 having been registered for the week ended October 4th, 2014.

Latest News

I'm delighted to see Triplestrand Productions' radio airplay numbers, week ended October 4th, 2014, register a new personal best 172,920 plays of my songs. Amongst a total to that date, since May 19th, 2012, of 9,098,940 plays, 52 of my songs have exceeded 100,000 plays each, 26 sung by Amber Rose, 18 by Mike Lusk and 8 by Matt Griffith. It's a wonderful foundation to the release of 6 huge, new albums, featuring these 3 marvellous Nashville singers!

Radio Airplay May 31 2014

Three of my songs radio-released just 4 complete weeks ago were each played more than 6,000 times last week (ended May 31st, 2014), Amber Rose singing He'd Smile Back, 6,345 (already to-date 20,730), Mike Lusk's Some Place in Between 6,330 (21,135 to date), and Matt Griffith's Wobbly World 6,255 (20,595 to date), better numbers than I've had before, which is very encouraging!

Radio Airplay to May 24, 2014

As a good-old Economist/businessman might, I maintain a spread-sheet of my songs' radio airplays, and know that, since May 19, 2012, just a week over 2 years back, those Triplestrand Production radio-releases have been played a massive 6,221,625 times! Some songs just never die, by the look of the numbers, with the most-played 9 songs all now running at over 150,000 airplays. Best-performed has been Amber Rose's Left Me Stressed, 171,945 plays and still going strong.....

New Mike Lusk album

We're not that far away from completing another 19-track Mike Lusk CD album of my songs, Paddocks In The Sky...shaping up promisingly, the final 5 recordings under way in Nashville, 3 of which might come through this week!

Week ended May 17, 2014 Airplays

Last week's radio airplay numbers just came through from Triplestrand Productions, another 134,145 plays of my songs around the world of country music, not my best result, but still pretty satisfying in a full "market" plays statistically down 10% on the prior week.

New recordings

Recordings of the 1st 2 of 9 new songs came through from Nashville on May 13th, 2014, both Mike Lusk vocals, You Stay and Feel of The Place. They're now on my song list here for listening!

Week ended May 10th Airplay

Last week's radio airplay numbers, reported by Triplestrand Productions, were a new Personal Best by far, 145,845 plays of my songs around the world of country music!!!! The batch of 5 new-releases impacted enormously, contributing an amazing total of 22,395 plays in their first complete week!

New Heights for Radio Airplays!

Great numbers came through for Radio airplay of my songs last week (ended Saturday April 26th, 2014), a new Personal Best: 135,270 plays! Most played were Mike Lusk singing Fly Along 6,540, and Amber Rose, Rain on My Parade 6,510. Very exciting times, with 5 new releases set to seriously impact these numbers in a couple of weeks time!

Week ended Apr 05 Radio

Radio airplay statistics for the week ended yesterday, April 5th, 2014 registered 121,455 plays of my songs, not quite as many as a week ago, but still 2nd highest to date.....so I can't complain!!!!! Most-played of my songs was Memories of You, a track from Amber Rose's Magic Place To Be Album, with 4,575 spins, with 5 others playing at least 4,500 times each through the week. It's another good start to the week at Venus Bay!

Radio Airplay Personal Best!

I love those Monday mornings when I wake really early and jump out of my bed to check out those weekly radio airplay stats on the Triplestrand Productions website. Especially when I discover that plays of my songs have hit another new high, like 127,485 for the week ended Saturday, March 29th! It's a great start to the new week at Venus Bay!

Radio-releases coming up

For me, it's very pleasing that Triplestrand Productions have selected 5 of my songs for inclusion on their 20-track April 2014 Compilation CD, distributed to over 400 radio stations around the world whose themes/genres include country music! The chosen 5 are Amber Rose singing He'd Smile Back and Things I've Seen and Done, Mike Lusk singing Some Place In Between and Turning Back the Tide, and Matt Griffith singing Wobbly World. Sure keeps the momentum going!!!!

Radio Airplays climbing

A fantastic Sunday at Venus Bay was topped off by receipt of weekly radio airplay numbers for the week ended Saturday, March 22nd...another new Personal Best, 120,645. Last week's plays also took the aggregate for my songs since May 19th, 2012 beyond the 5 million mark, up to 5,045,925. Now I can get some sleep......

Women of Substance Internet Radi

It's another break-through day at Venus Bay, with no less than 5 emails (like below!) just received, advising selection of 5 Amber Rose-sung songs for Women of Substance radio-play. Besides Once Upon a Time, selected songs were He'd Smile Back, Magic Place to Be, Falling Back in Love, and All Our Own

Dear Gary Woods,

One of your songs has been marked as "selected" by an Opportunity Provider on Broadjam! The details are below:

Female Artists and Female-Fronted Bands: Needed for Internet Radio Station
Opportunity ID: FT14BT02
Song Selected: Once Upon a Time....

Made my Sunday, March 23rd, 2014.

Righ on The Head Album, Mike Lus

Four down, one to go....ticker tape parades, that is, to use CD Baby's words:

Hi Gary
Time for a ticker tape parade!

Right On the Head has been finalized for digital distribution and is now in queue to be delivered to our digital partners.

Each of our digital partners has a unique timeline for accepting new content, so delivery schedules will vary. If you're primarily concerned with iTunes, you'll be happy to hear that we'll send your music to them within 24 hours (if we haven't done so already). After that, the amount of time it takes iTunes to make your music available for purchase on their site is beyond our control, but they often take from as little as 48 hours to a max of 1-2 weeks.


The CD Baby Team

Radio Airplay week ended March 1

Radio airplay numbers for the week ended March 15th, 2014 registered a new Personal Best for my songs, a very satisfying 116,505 plays.....most played during the week being Mike Lusk singing Seeing You Today, with 6,645 spins!

Radio Airplay week ended March 8

Radio airplay numbers are already web-detailed for the week ended March 8th, in the USA that's about an hour and a half ago, so how quick is that!!!! More great numbers for my songs, registering 111,900 plays, with the top 2 breaking totally new ground in spinning 6,720 times each, a new high for me by miles, the 2 songs being Dignity and Pride, singer Amber Rose, and Four Walls and This Roof, Matt Griffiths. How nice I don't have to get up throughout the middle of Sunday night, anxious to check for the weekly website update!!!!!!

New Recordings March 4th, 2014

It's always nice to get new recordings back from Nashville,2 having just arrived, Amber Rose singing the 15th and last track on her Magic Place to Be Album, Things I've Seen and Done, and Mike Lusk singing 17th of 18 tracks on his Right On The Head Album, Some Place In Between......good progress in the very final stages of completion of our 5 new albums!

Radio Airplay March 1st, 2014

Last week ended Saturday March 1st's 108,195 radio airplays took total plays to date for my songs to 4,696,875....so it looks like we're just 3 weeks away from breaking through the 5 million mark! Within this, my best-performed single song with 145,980 spins, has been Amber Rose singing Left Me Stressed.....one of the tracks on the new album, almost at release, Share His Songs, featuring Amber and Mike Lusk.

Radio Airplay Feb 22, 2014

Radio airplay numbers for the week ended Saturday, Feb. 22 came through....another great number for my songs, 109,860....most played being Matt Griffith singing Four Walls and This Roof, 5,685 plays, then Amber Rose singing Dignity and Pride, 5,670 plays

Radio Airplay

Radio airplay numbers for the week ended February 15th just came through from Triplestrand Productions in the U.S.A, 107,475 for my songs, another very pleasing number. Two more songs broke through the 100,000 plays-to-date mark, Matt Griffith singing Doing My Best, 102,675, and Mike Lusk, A Pitter and a Patter, 102,195......it's a nice note to start the new week on!!!!!

New Album release: Doing My Best

Hi Gary

Time for a ticker tape parade!

Doing My Best has been finalized for digital distribution and is now in queue to be delivered to our digital partners.

Each of our digital partners has a unique timeline for accepting new content, so delivery schedules will vary. If you're primarily concerned with iTunes, you'll be happy to hear that we'll send your music to them within 24 hours (if we haven't done so already). After that, the amount of time it takes iTunes to make your music available for purchase on their site is beyond our control, but they often take from as little as 48 hours to a max of 1-2 weeks.

You can check out your delivery history in the Digital Distro section of your CD Baby members account.

Curious when sales are paid by our digital partners? Our partners' payment schedules range from monthly to quarterly. iTunes, for instance, reports to us roughly 6 weeks after the end of any given month. So if you sold a download in the middle of the month, it could be up to 2 months before that sale is reported in your CD Baby account. You can access your accounting reports by clicking the "Accounting Overview" link from your dashboard.

Now that we've gotten digital distribution taken care of, it's time to start selling! Check out CD Baby's DIY Musician Blog for some sound marketing tips and promo ideas, and keep us posted on all your successes.


The CD Baby Team

5 new CD albums on the way!

I had a huge day yesterday....like "another day in the office" at an exciting intensity I thought I'd never re-live....successfully uploading audio files of 74 of my songs to CD Baby, preparatory to release of 5 CD albums that I've come to regard as my finest personal achievement in the 69 years of my diverse, fulfilling life!

www.WOSRadio.com Playlists

So good to have a song selected for such a powerful internet radio Country Playlist, Amber Rose singing Do It All Again. It's the start of something much, much bigger, Amber, Nashville music-maestro producer Stacy Hogan and I reckon!

Radio Airplay week ended Feb 1st

Radio airplay numbers just came through from Triplestrand Productions.......a HUGE NEW PERSONAL BEST for my songs, a massive 115,035 plays for the week ended Saturday, Feb 1st!!!!! Forgive me, excuse me....I need to jump back into the pool......

Radio Airplay week ended Jan 25t

Last week's radio airplay numbers have just come through, another great outcome for my songs, 101,625 in total with special achievement being 4 of my songs registering more than 5,000 spins through the week, Barefoot Girl and Loving Woman's Heart 6,090 each, Ain't Going Anywhere and Between Drinks 5,535 each. It's nice to get the official statistics this time of Sunday evening: I can sleep tight right through the night, without wanting to dash to my computer to check those important (to me!) numbers!!!!!

Weekly Radio Airplay

Loving Woman's Heart just registered the most radio airplays in a week of any of my songs, an amazing 5,895. We recorded this song about 7 years ago, when there was no radio-release strategy in place....which makes me think there's really no limit to what the future holds for my huge library of "past" songs!!!!

1st songs of 2014

I just submitted my first 3 new songs of 2014 to Stacy for recording in Nashville, Mike Lusk to sing Some Place in Between and Turning Back the Tide,and Amber Rose to sing Things I've Seen and Done, all three received with studio compliments, which is always nice! So now there are great expectations for each one of these new songs, another strong input to kicking off the New Year successfully!

Radio Airplays

It's nice to achieve a New Year's Resolution very first week into 2014! Sights were set challengingly on breaking through the 100,000 weekly-radio-air-plays of my songs, and Triplestrand Productions numbers showed week ended Saturday Jan 4th a new Personal Best with 100,965 plays, then beating that mark again, with 102,120 plays for the week ended January 11th!

Songwriter & Composer

An exploratory maiden trip to Nashville in August 2006 resulted in 4 albums of my Classic Country Compositions being physically released over the next 2 years, mainly featuring country music singer Mike Lusk,all wonderfully produced by Stacy Hogan.
At the end of April, 2014, these 4 albums were joined by 5 new productions, featuring Mike again, with his 18-track Right on The Head album, also joining Amber Rose with their 16-track Share His Songs album, also Amber with her 2 solo vocals albums, What Passion's All About (14 tracks) and Magic Place to Be (15 tracks), topped off by a debut 15-track album, Doing My Best, debuting another Nashville rising star Matt Griffiths.
Today, August 4th, 2014, another Mike Lusk 20-track album is one song away from completion, Paddocks In The Sky.
This is all happening in the context of 61 of my songs so-far radio-released by Triplestrand Productions having registered 8,109,840 radio airplays around the world of country music since May 19th, 2012, so just 3 months over 2 years ago. Personal Best weekly airplay so far has been 157,440 for the week ended, July 26th, 2014.

All of this contemporary country stuff, Nashville-inspired and Nashville-recorded by Stacy Hogan at his A Writer's Paradise studio, builds upon 2 big stage-musicals I wrote back-a-while, Chains of Freedom and Paper Fortune$, also featured here on my Albums page.
I write my songs at Venus Bay, South Gippsland, Victoria, Australia, a natural beach environment that truly inspires composition through the unrelenting sounds of nature, notably the rhythm and rhyme of the sea, just a sand-dune away!


I absolutely think this is the best song I've listened to this year.

You have a good sound Gary! ~GP

2 Replies
Gary Woods, song-writer
over 30 days ago

Thanks GP.....I write with purpose, from a variety of different inspirations......

As do I..check out my tracks when youre able!

Radio airplay numbers for the week ended Saturday, Feb. 22 confirmed another great number for my songs, 109,860....most played being Matt Griffith singing Four Walls and This Roof, 5,685 plays, then Amber Rose singing Dignity and Pride, 5,670 plays

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